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Export and Import services for promotion of Entrepreneurial industries.

Institutional setup for export assistance - A no of institute have been set up by the govt. in order to promote the export. By helping business units and for formulating programs and policies in a systematic manner some agencies are: -

MINISTRY OF COMMERCE - Govt. of India is primarily concerned with the formulation of trade policies and program. It has a number of departments to look after different aspects of export trade. It is responsible for all problem relating exports. assistance such as export credit, cash finance, import replenishment, licensing transport. Bottlenecks, free trade zones, quality control and pre-shipment inspection and guidance to Indian entrepreneurs to setup their ventures abroad. There are several executives and advisory agencies functioning under the ministry of commerce.

1) DIRECTOR OF EXIBITION : He is entrusted with the following important function :-

a)     Arranging participation in international exhibition .

b)     Arranging Indian exhibition abroad .

c)     Running showrooms in foreign countries.

d)    Setting up trade centers in selected market outside India.

2)     DIRECTOR OF COMMERCIAL INTLLIGENCE: - This department is concerned with commercial publicity through various media, monthly publication etc. It also publishers dire of foreign importers of Indian product in different volumes and each volume is devoted to a different country.

3)     EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL - They examine various aspect of export promotion like price, quality, packaging, marketing, export etc. and provide intensive assistance to members. These councils are non-profit seeking organizations. The following assistance is provided by them

a)     Arranging market survey

b)     Publication of report and information relating to foreign trade for items covered by them

c)     Developing trade contexts

d)    Setting trade disputes

e)     Assisting quality control

f)      Joint participations in trade fairs and exhibition abroad

g)     Publication both for domestic and overseas market exporters etc.

h)     Administration of special export promotion schemes

i)       Sponsoring foreign trade

4)     COMMODITY BOARDS - These boards have been setup mainly to help exporters in the trade of traditional items. These are 7 commodity boards set up under the administrative control of ministry of commerce excluding the all India handloom and handicraft board. Their function are

a)     To undertake promotional activities

b)     To provide intensive assistance to exporters

c)     To participate in exhibitions and fairs abroad

d)    To advice govt. on matters of govt. policies such as signing trade fixing quotas etc.

5)     TRADE REPRESENTATION OF INDIA ABROAD - These trade representation give report to ministry of commerce and assist them in formulation of programs and policies. They provide following assistance to exporters

a)     In conducting market survey

b)     Report and information about particular export control

c)     Supply of names and addresses of importers of specific commodities

d)    Developing trade contacts and helping visiting Indian businessman in establishing personal contact with importers in different countries.

e)     Getting information on rules and regulations for imports levied by foreign countries

f)      Setting trade disputes

6)     IIFT(Indian institute of foreign trade ) - The institute have been setup by govt. of India in co-operation with trade, industries and educational and research institutions. It is an autonomous body registered under the society registration act 1980 The main activities are

a)     Training personnel in modern techniques of international trade

b)     Organizing research in problem of foreign trade

c)     Undertaking area surveys commodity survey and market survey

d)    Dissimulation of information gathered during research and study

e)     Undertaking research on raw materials for the packaging industry

f)      Organizing training programs for packaging industry

7)     TRADE FAIR AUTHORITY OF INDIA - This came into existence on march 11, 1977 after unifying three organizations namely directorate of exhibitions and commercial publicity, The Indian council of trade fairs and exhibition and Trade fair organization The objectives of these are

a)     To promote organize and participate industrial trades and other fairs and exhibitions

b)     To undertake training activities in commodities relating to such fairs and exhibitions

c)     To set up show rooms and shops in India and abroad

d)    To assist development of new items for diversification and expansion of Indian exports

8)     TRADE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - It is an institution set up by govt. of India to offer total package to exporters in a co-ordinate and integrated manner. It collects information regarding exports and imports market takes up market research, provides assistance in export finance and renders help in securing and implementing export orders.

9)     EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION - It covers both commercial and political risks on assignment of export credit transactions. Its head office is in Mumbai and other branches in other metros

10) ADVISORY BODIES - Besides the above-mentioned institutional arrangements are a few advisory bodies established in order to advice govt. in matters relating to export promotion. A few eg . are export /import advisor council, regional port, advisory committee, etc In this committee govt. senior govt. officers concern with economic development are given representation.

11) EXPORT PROMOTION ASSISTANCE FROM SIDO (Small industries development organization) It has 26 small industry service institutes. This organization provides techno managerial assistance an extension service which are as follows

a)     Creating export consequences among the entrepreneurs.

b)     Identifying the potential of small scale units and motivating to undertake production of export worthy items

c)     Disseminating export marketing information to export worthy units

d)    Providing export consultancy services in respect of export procedure documentation and export incentive

e)     Organizing training program in export marketing in various small scale units

f)      Maintaining liaison with the export promotion organization and department for solving the problems of small scale exporters

g)     Sponsoring small scale units in sale cum study teams and trade delegations to be sent abroad.

h)     Arranging meetings and seminars and open house discussion in collaboration with the concern export promotion agencies

i)       Publication of quarterly small industries export bulletin to highlight the areas of interest to small scale exporters


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