of advertising
can be classified in different ways namely
- Primary or selective
demand advertising - advertising may be seemed at merely creating a
primary demand for a certain type of product such as motor cars in general
or to increase selective demand for a particular product of a specific
company such as ambassador. Similarly in the case of cigarettes if a cigarette
manufacturer attempting to increase the overall demand with a view to
remove the scare of causing Cancer through smoking that would be an
example of primary demand advertising campaign.
- Product or
institutional advertising - Most advertising aims at selling a particular
product is referred to product advertising. As against this large
undertaking or companies some of these advertise their general advertise
like the consumers items produced or services rendered by them without
mentioning specific product this is described as institutional advertising
which is aimed at building a favorable image or attitude towards the
company and thus ultimately its product.
- Co-operative
advertisement - Manufacturers at time co-operate with their wholesalers
and retailers by giving them an advertising allowance for this local
advertising so that the manufacturers own brand may get preference in
advertising. A proportion of advertising cost are here paid by the
manufacturers to the wholesalers or retailers concerned. This is called
co-operative advertising. In addition co-operative is short to be obtained
by the manufacturers from the distribution channel by often mentioning in
his advertising the names and addresses of stockists or retailers who
stock his product. Although this is not strictly co-operative advertising,
it does faster co-operation from the retailers concern.
- Advertising classified
by intended audience - Advertising can be classified by intended audience.
It means by the specific type of audience such as consumers, industrial or
trade audience towards whom the advertising is directed. Consumers
advertising is naturally directed at the ultimate household customers or
actual consumers or users of the product. As against this industrial
advertising aims at industrial concern or aims at industrial consumers.
Where as trade advertising is directed at the channels of distribution
such as wholesalers or retailers.
- Advertising classified
by nature of appeal - Sometimes advertising is also classified by the
nature of type of appeal used or motives towards which advertising is
aimed. For this purpose appeals are divided into rational or emotional
appeal. Whereas advertisement tries to create an image that the housewife
would look like a glamorous movie star and thus attempt to create a common
bond between them through a common use of a brand of soap. It is appealing
to a motives that are emotional as against this if the advertisement where
to explain its medical qualities it is aimed at rational motives like
- Direct and indirect
action ads - When the advertising is aimed at making the consumer buy
immediately the product or at least to ask for more details about that
product it is described as direct action advertising as against this in
case of a higher priced item. Which is not purchased frequently such as
motor cars the advertising is generally indirect action type with a view
to create a favorable attitude towards the manufacturers products so that
when the consumers ultimately is in the market for that product he would
reasonably purchase the advertisers product.
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