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EDP(Lecture 12)

                              MARWARI COLLEGE,RANCHI                                                           (UNDER RANCHI UNIVERSITY RANCHI) 



Appraisal of technical aspects of a project involves scaling of such aspects of the project as :
  1. Manufacturing process / technology selected.
  2. Technical collaboration arrangement made if any.
  3. Capacity or size of the project and the scale of operations.
  4. Location of the project.
  5. Availability of physical and social infrastructure facilities.
  6. Availability of various inputs covering raw-materials
  7. Selection of plant machinery and equipment together with competence background and capability of suppliers.
  8. Plant layout and factory building.
  9. Technical services include engineering services.
  10. Project design and network analysis for assessing the project implementation schedule.
The feasibility study should consider the adequacy & suitability of plant of equipment & their specification, plant layout, balancing of different sections of the plant proposed arrangements for procurement of plant & equipments & reputation of the machinery suppliers. This study should define the technology required for a particular project, evaluate technological alternatives & select the most appropriate technology in terms of optimum combination of project components. The various implications of the acquisition of such technology should be assessed including contractual aspect of technology licensing where applicable.
Government of India’s policy in this respect clearly states while evaluating applications for industrial licensing the following factors will be specifically considered: -
i.       Whether the proposed capacity is of economic size.
ii.     Whether the process proposed to be adopted is efficient from a techno-economic point of view.
iii.   The extent to which diversification and expansion proposal will result in further utilization of capacity and economies.
Proper evaluation of alternative technology is essential for selection of the appropriate one. This evaluation should be related to plant capacity and should commence with a quantitative assessment of output, production build up and a qualitative assessment of product quality and marketability


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